The game industry at all pairs rushes into a bright free future. Free games became the norm – when The Elder Scrolls Online and Wildstar said they were going to sell the players subscription, they were pre -predicted to fail. Paid MMO? Yes, where is it heard! But here is a paradox: despite the complete celebration of Free-to-Play, the attitude towards it is still very wary, and sometimes frankly hostile.
In this article we decided to find out why this is happening. We will travel to the dark side of the free worlds, find out what is the secret of their success, talk about the features of gameplay and game design, as well as get acquainted with the techniques and tricks that developers use to facilitate the pockets of the players.
There will be few examples and names of specific games in this text. Many of the things that will be discussed are completely inconvenient, and no developer recognizes their existence. But, perhaps, this article will help you keep your nerves and better understand what principles the relations of developers and ordinary players of free MMOs are built on the relations.
A rich genealogy
The first online games that appeared in the seventies of the last century were free. It was simply impossible to earn on them: the Internet did not exist yet, computers were connected either by wires or by phone, and the intercity communication cost a lot. Therefore, such games were written by enthusiasts and flourished mainly on the local networks of student towns, where they deserved themselves the first bad reputation. How many sessions were failed through their fault, and not count!
[[Bullet]] A couple of years ago, the output of the paid SWTOR caused pride: paid games do not give up! Today the output of the paid The Elder Scrolls Online is more likely to be bewilderment: they will do it freely, so why fence the garden?
However, before the idea that you can make good money on the distribution of games, the game industry thought out only in the 21st century. Interestingly, these developers prompted these developers … Pirates. In the late nineties, the first truly mass MMORPGs appeared – Ultima Online , Everquest , Asheron’s Call. Official servers were paid, but even there players could illegally buy game currency and valuable objects from Gold Farmers. Formal Free-to-Play reigned on pirate servers: no subscription, know only buy different game buns from admins. The developers looked at this bacchanal and instead of giving the pirates a battle, decided to adopt their useful experience.
In 2001, a browser role -playing game was released Runescape. It was made by two brothers-studants who lived and worked in the house of parents. The brothers understood that it would be problematic to compete with giant companies, and decided to start a harsh dumping. To play the super-popular then Everquest, it was necessary to pay $ 29.99 per CD and add another $ 12.95 every month. ASHERON’s CALL was a little cheaper – $ 19.95 per disc and subscriber $ 9.95. The small browser Runescape from the graphics of the times of Egyptian pyramids against their background looked pale, but it could be played for free, and five bucks a month gave access to twice as large game world and a new portion of quests. Today, such a scheme is called "Freimium".
[[Bullet]] In the first free MMO graphics was like in the novel “War and Peace” – a continuous text and even without pictures. But they caused dependence no worse than modern "tanks". (the file is small, but you can even specially increase; if the pixels are noticeable, it is even cooler)
Two years later, Runescape collected on the knee began to bring an income of two million pounds annually, and the Jagex studio turned into a solid office of 29 people. Very soon the audience’s account went to millions, and to this day Runescape with its more than 200 million accounts holds the world title of the most popular free game.
Just a couple of years after the release of Runescape, a two -dimensional role platformer was released in Korea Maplestory , who also lives and lives so far. There were no restrictions on content in the game, no subscription fee, but there was a rich game store – today this scheme is familiar to everyone. The game cannot be considered the first-born first-to-Play, but it is the success of Maplestory that can be called a reference point marked by the beginning of a modern paper of free games.
Varieties free
In a huge bunch of terms that determine free games, even a saved player can get confused, so we will conduct a brief educational program. So, free games are free-to-play, or, abbreviated, F2p. They are divided into two types. The first type is “clean” free-to-Play based on micallors when all content is available to every player. The second type is called Frimium (Freimium), or a hybrid model, or conditionally-free games. They used to be called Shareware, but since ignorant housewives were afraid of such terrible words, in our time Western marketers have introduced the word "Freimium", from the words "free" (free) + "Premimum" (premium). Conditionally -free games can be used with some restrictions – this may be a time limit, content or possibilities.
Games as a science
You can list for a long time the reasons why free games have become popular, and yet one fact should be highlighted especially: only with the advent of Free-to-Play, developers were able to apply a scientific approach in games. Previously, the games were a business, at best – art. No one could come up with a recipe for a successful game, calculate the percentage of the interest of gameplay, or create an equation of a fascinating plot. I had to move at random, and then only humbly expect the reaction of the players.
[[Bullet]] Maplestory determined the appearance of modern free games. Despite his venerable age, the game still feels excellent.
But in free online games, the developers faced a completely different task: to establish contact with each player – personally! – And convince him to spend money. This money acted as feedback: the income level could clearly monitor the correctness or fallacy of decisions.
And here science was in its place. It turned out that a person who looks at the monitor can be manipulated no worse than Pavlov’s dog. A light bulb was lit-the player dripped saliva, another was lit-he ran with money to an ATM … It may seem to someone that this comparison is exaggerated. Like, the players are not dogs, you can't manipulate them so simply!
You can, and how. Let us give as an example a known case. It all started with a small scandal at the GDC 2010 conference. Indie developers disgraced the creators of social Farmville , which was then at the peak of popularity – in their opinion, game designers Zynga just bred nothing -figuring players for money. In the end, Farmville won the title of best social game of the year, and Zynga Vice President Bill Muni did not miss the case of hinting that indie developers are inferior individuals, and if any of them wants to stop nonsense and start making real money-let them submit statements, Maybe they will take them in kindness of sincere.
[[Bullet]] Those who invest a lot of money in the game, call "Kita". This term appeared in Las Vegas, where the rich often came, playing at very large bets. Kitov hunting is a favorite occupation of all developers of free MMO.
After this, all Indie browed began to hate Farmville even more, and Muni himself began to mention in conversations only as a “asshole from Farmville”. For a long time, a long time between the creators of traditional games and the ministers of the Free-to-Play cult turned into a stormy holivar, which captured the entire conference. One of the most ardent opponents of socialists was Yan Bogost, who reproached them in numerous interviews, and then decided on an interesting experiment – launched a comic social game on Facebook Cow Clicker , That is, "Click Cow".
The game was as stupid as possible. In it it was possible to perform only one action-click the mouse in the image of a cow, which at the same time said: "Mu-o-o-o-o-o". It was possible to click every six hours, but for the money the deadline could be reduced. That's all.
The first visitors, of course, knew that it was a parody of stupid social games, and with pleasure supported the idea – praised the author, advertised the project among friends … I wrote a press about the game. And then … then real players began to look in Cow Clicker. They seriously clicked on the cows, made friends (to receive their clicks too), even contributed money to set records. Some noticed that the gameplay was somewhat monotonous, and sent their ideas to improve the game to the author.
[Bullet]] It so happened that Farmville (in Russia, its “Merry Farmer” clone is better known) became the personification of the entire industry of social games. But the higher the status, the more cones are sprinkled.
Instead of fulfilling their wishes, Bogosta put on sale a premium cow – a mirror copy of the usual one, only at a 20 bucks. When it became clear that the joke began to go too far, Yang arranged on the website of the “Curovopocalypse”, and all the cows were ascending to the sky. Clicks could be typed as before, only without cows and without their sweet mooing. Many players were offended, demanded to return “as it was”, accused the author that he ruined a good game, and threatened to leave.
But Jan Bogosta has already fulfilled his task – he clearly showed that a free game can exist even without gameplay and that you can literally “hack” a human brain, starting to exploit the features of human psychology for making money. And this is not that it is bad in itself – it becomes bad when the “hack” of the brain and the stretching of money becomes the only goal of the developer.
Voluntarily and with songs
There is an old joke. The American, the Englishman and Russian, who will be able to force the cat, have a mustard argued. The American, without ado, grabs the cat by the scruff and begins to put his mustard in her mouth. “This is violence!» – protests the Russian. The Englishman laid a mustard between two pieces of sausage. “Yes, this is a deception!" – Russian is outraged. Then takes a mustard and smears a cat under the tail. She wildly yells, rushes around the room, and then twists and begins to lick his mustard with his tongue. “Please note: voluntarily and with songs!" – summarizes the conveyed Russian.
[[Bullet]] Until some time, free games lived in the position of poor relatives, especially in the West. But the success of projects such as League of Legends proved that at free games you can earn not just big, but a lot of money.
Like this Russian from a joke, the creators of free games do not really like deception and violence, preferring to force the players to part with their money completely voluntarily.
The main key to good profits is the ability to make impulsive purchases. The ideal for any developer is the situation when the money from the account is withdrawn with one button – I saw, pressed, bought. Unfortunately, most of modern payment systems reliably protects players from temptation: while you enter all the data from a credit card or make an electronic money transfer, there will be a lot of time. The brain manages to think more than once whether this purchase is really needed and whether it is worth spending money in a more reasonable way.
Therefore, the developers began to use the game currency. You saw games where prices were indicated in real money? Their units, because using game money is much more profitable. Firstly, they can be sold with discounts and bonuses, giving an excess incentive to spend more money than you were gathered originally. Secondly, with the help of virtual currency, the same purchases using one button become possible, and thirdly, such a currency is spent very easily, since the brain simply does not perceive it as a real value.
[Bullet]], before its epic death, Cow Clicker scored an audience of fifty thousand users.
This phenomenon has been known for a long time. People are very reluctant to part with cash, because the process of transferring them clearly shows that they lose. But money from a credit card or electronic account is much easier – well, a couple of numbers in the account changed, nonsense. With virtual currency, people, as practice has shown, part even easier.
To additionally facilitate this process, Developers specially make so that units of virtual money do not coincide with real ones and are not multiplied by it. This is done so that it is more difficult for the player to calculate the real value of the transaction. It is impossible to allow a thousand gold to be a thousand rubles! Better let 3500 gold cost, say, 220 rubles. While a person’s subconscious with a calculator frantically tries to calculate how much it really costs him a miracle-sword for a thousand gold, his hands will already have time to click on the cherished button “Buy”.
Scientists say that people under the age of 25 are most easily manipulated by such manipulations. They have not yet finished forming a brain area called prefrontal cortex, which is immediately behind the frontal bone. The prefrontal cortex, among other things, is responsible for evaluating the consequences of its actions, and until it has matured, its work has to be performed by other parts of the brain. They just cope with this work badly, so young people are physiologically more prone to rash, impulsive actions.
Although age does not play a decisive role. Social and economic factors are much more important than the development of brain shares: for example, for free casuals, the most delicious audience is not youth at all, but women in age – who are boring in the offices of secretaries or housewives who have no problems with money, but there is another problem : where to spend a bunch of free time.
The right road
Unfortunately, the player's manipulations do not pass without a trace. A survey conducted in Japan among users of free games revealed depressing statistics: 60% of all players are unhappy with purchases made. More than 45% said that in the future they would spend less money, and about 40% categorically Queen Vegas Casino stated that the developers would not receive money from them at all. From the point of view of one game, this is nonsense, some will leave – others will come. But from the point of view of the industry, this is a problem. The developers complain that attracting players is becoming more difficult and more expensive, advertising loses its effectiveness.
There is only one way out – stop putting pressure on the psyche and start making high -quality games. Fortunately, everything goes to that. It all started with browsers and socialists for three kopecks, and now the free MMO industry has grown up to AAA-class projects, the number of which is growing every year. Some even began to wave to small revolutions (recall Everquest Next). So for the future Free-to-Play can hardly be worried.
Choice for envy
You want new classes and dungeons, and the developers stamp new cosmetic bells and whistles-hats-columns, petes, animations, etc. A familiar situation? There is a simple explanation for this. People like to stand out from the crowd and envy those who succeeded. These ancients, as a world, are the developers of a reliable source of profit.
Moreover Envy is more expensive than a desire to show off. In one study, scientists interviewed two groups of people how much they are ready to pay for the brand new iPhone. The first group just wanted to buy a phone, and the second group had friends who had already acquired these devices. It turned out that the second group was ready to pay more – solely because she experienced a feeling of envy!
[Bullet]] Yan Bogosta admits that the creation of Cow Clicker fascinated him much more than this comic project deserved him. The developer could hardly resist, so as not to start developing it-to add, for example, vampire cows, werewolf cows and even cow's cow.
Therefore, there are so many cosmetic buns in free games: first, some try to stand out against the background of others, then the second begins to envy the first, and went away and went. The more choice, the more chance that the player will find something to his taste. And the longer he chooses, the greater the amount he will be ready to pay. Therefore, expanding the assortment of the store is the first task of all developers of free MMOs.
However, each medal has the opposite side. A large assortment of a gaming store can simply scare away a novice player – they say, you have navigated here, I suppose you can’t play without a donation! Therefore, there are games that come exactly the opposite. For example, in a superpopular free casual candy Crush Saga There is no gaming currency, a kutsy store, which also needs to be looked for, but a beginner will not be able to spend a penny in the game at all in the game.
But after several dozen levels he will be offered to pay for the continuation. You can dodge and not pay, but the amount is so funny that the majority pays. And only then the game begins to carefully pull money from the player: extra life, extra bonus. The average level of expenses is only three dollars, but only in the USA the game collects more than $ 600 thousand every day.
[[Bullet]] Unlike Pavlov’s dog, we were very lucky. Give the developers the will, they would love to tie the players to the chair, plunged the electrodes and began to experience experiments.
Candy Crush Saga illustrates the principle of “frog in boiling”, which is followed by all the creators of free games. If you throw a frog in boiling water, it will jump out, reducing immediately with the whole body from a tested temperature shock. But if you slowly heat the water, the frog will be welded alive.
Also a player. If you immediately tell him to give a clock, wallet and phone, he will just run away. Therefore, they try to make the transition from a free zone to a paid zone as gradual and invisible as possible. At first no coercion, no Pay2win, only personal skill and honest game. And then, when it gets drawn, it will be possible in boiling water ..
Sleight of hand
However, fraud with currency and playing on the features of the psyche is a relatively honest way to withdraw money. There are more cynical methods. For example, cyclic balance. This trick was invented in paid MMO, but in the free it took root as well as possible. The essence of the cyclic balance is in the periodic overestimation of the characteristics of units or characters, both old and just entered into the game.
Players get a new bunny stick, and those who want to get it should pay money as soon as possible, for example, to accelerate pumping. After waiting for the “Nagibel” will be dispersed by the hands and everyone will receive it, her Nerfight (weakens), and the new “king of the mountain” is offered to the throne. Everyone has a new goal for pumping, everyone is happy. This resembles an endless run of proteins in a wheel, which, in fact, is.
[[Bullet]] Candy Crush Saga took the ideas of Lines, which were fond of secretaries fifteen years ago, and made a mobile hit that brings millions. It was only worth choosing a competent monetization scheme.
Another way to stimulate the player to pump something new can be the conscious deterioration of gameplay. The creators of ordinary games try to make the player completely happy so that everyone is satisfied, no one bend and everyone has his own highlight. However If a person suits everything, then what he will pay for money? Therefore, in free MMOs, the player intentionally try to create easy discomfort.
From obvious causes of discomfort (slow pumping, the need for Grynding), you can pay off money, however, the most insidious players can make such discomfort the fundamental part of the game design, especially in the PVP game. There is a common misconception that balance is a relative thing, if you make everyone weak, then even the middle peasants will become champions.
And although there is a reason in this, in practice it is quite possible to balance the game so that everyone has a flaw that would prevent you from enjoying the game even when you get superiority over enemies. This approach does not bring profit directly, but allows the player to stimulate the player on new searches for his own game niche in which he will feel at ease.
Another trick – "bite off the finger on the elbow". The player is offered to pay for overcoming a barrier. Inexpensive. And then put a barrier in front of him. It turns out an uncomfortable situation: it seems to have already paid, do not disappear good. And a person pays again, and another barrier is slipped to him. Jump to health! I really loved to indulge in this technique of Zynga – it will develop a base dependent on the level of the central structure, and you have to pay. It’s just that it is not indicated anywhere that very soon the development of the base will fall into the next restriction, which will come out more expensive. Or pay to the end, or lose already invested money.
[Bullet]] Alcohol greatly inhibits the functions of prefrontal cortex – which is why drunk controls their actions worse. So, if you want to save, play free games only on a sober head.
This is a very effective technique that many developers use, simply not everyone has the spirit of acting equally impudently. For example, c Puzzle & Dragons They act softer: the player tries, puffs, kills tons of monsters, reaches the boss … And here it turns out that a little money needs to be invested for his murder. And now the player sets the task: to lose several hours of the game in vain or make a modest donation to the account. And their time, unlike the time of developers, players value much more, because the price begins to seem quite suitable for them.
The scheme is so good that it can be found in the most decent MMOs, however, in an even more softened form. So, in War Thunder, after the battle, you can buy premium for a week, having received an additional award for the entire previous day, “rear”, as they say, the number. After a well -held series of battles, the bonus turns out to be very impressive, so it is not easy to hold on to.
We train willpower
A person prone to impulsive purchases is a find for a developer. And what to do with those who do not want to part with money? As studies showed, the willpower of a person is like a muscle: if you constantly load it, it will get tired and refuse to work until it rests. And if you continue to load it, you can earn serious stress.
Scientists conducted an experiment. In the room they laid out trays with a bitter radish and chocolate cookies. One group of subjects was forbidden with cookies: they looked sadly at delicious cookies, some even sniffed them. But there was only a radish for them. The second group was allowed to eat anything, and they joyfully pissed all the goodies to be cleaned up.
After that, both groups were offered to play several games, demanding from their participants a fair patience. It turned out that the first group gave up twice as fast: torture with a radish depleted the reserves of self -control. Those who ate cookies, complacently met all the challenges that the game threw them.
It is on this feature of human psychology that the gameplay of most free games is based. The monotonous grinding and long pumping are designed to exhaust the resources of the willpower, make the player more accommodating. And if he rests, stress will work! It is not surprising that many players hate free games with all their hearts.
What tips can be given? First, sit down to play well, satisfied, being in harmony with yourself and the world. And secondly, think less about the results and just enjoy the process. Because if there is no pleasure from the process, maybe you should do something else?
The case is a pipe!
Surely almost every fan of free games at least once in his life wondered: why the project is not better? It would seem that it is clear to everyone that fans need, sit down and do-but for some reason the developers stubbornly continue to engage in some kind of nonsense. Some believe that the developers are idiots and do not see obvious things, others guess that they themselves do not understand something, others believe that the developers would be happy to do everything as they should, but cannot.
[[Bullet]] brain is a mysterious thing, but in some places very predictable. For example, we know for sure that your eyes have just gone sikos-tidy. But this is one of the most elementary "hings" of the brain.
This problem is not only played by players. For example, one of the founders of the game portal Kongregate Emily Grire is also prone to criticizing the creators of the F2P IGR. She believes that they spend too much effort on attracting new users, but pay little attention to keep them in the game – the development of PVP, the battles of clans, new modes.
And it does not even occur to anyone that the reason can be a completely obvious thing: developers do not make games better because they just don't want it. At first glance, this thought seems completely crazy, but … to explain everything, you will have to start from afar.
Online games can work in two modes, let's call them a conditionally “pipe” and “sump”. The Slotnik scheme is aimed both at attracting a new audience and its retention. The “Pipe” scheme, on the contrary, is aimed at passing the maximum flow of users through itself, but does not pay attention to the holding of the players.
[[Bullet]] World of Warcraft can afford to endlessly supply players with content. But modern free MMO has to get out and look for other earnings schemes. To be too pissing in the methods, they just can’t afford.
The first option allows you to accumulate a large base of playing fans, which can make a lot of useful things: supports the social functions of the game (clans, game communities), attracts beginners, distributes information about the game. In addition, fans are the most stable and active audience. This scheme is great for paid games where Each person is like a walking hundred -dollar banknote. A vivid example is World of Warcraft, where, after reaching the maximum level, the game only begins.
With free games, everything is more complicated. Here we scored a crowd of fans, and what's next? And then it turns out that there are no completely satisfied fans, there are only completely dissatisfied. Since it is problematic to please everyone, with each update the number of dissatisfied is everything grows, and the profit received from them falls.
In paid games, this problem is not so acute. If a person begins to bother the game, he will rather stop paying for a subscription and will not have been saving anger for months for the developers. Yes, and they are straightened with dissatisfied there: I did not pay for the subscription, turned off access to forums and game. The fan of the free game can already stop playing for six months, but at the same time regularly outrage everyone with its nagging, publishing more angry messages in the forum in the forum, which will write another casual in a year. A pure pond, in which satisfied users splash, with the help of such players begins to acquire a clearly tangible swamp smell ..
[[Bullet]] Planet War, also Light of Nova, is a typical representative of the “Pipe”. Everything begins well: old -school gameplay, text quests, development of the empire. Unfortunately, it very soon turns out that, besides a cheerful start, in the game, in fact, nothing.
Besides, For a free mmo developer, the player himself is not so important. It is important how much he will pay , and this amount is connected with the time spent in the game only indirectly. We will not bore and use the abbreviations in the spirit of LTV, ARPU or the phrases “approximation of the function density of the Pareto distribution”, just say that for each game there is an average amount that players are ready to pay: according to research, for the United States it is about 60 dollars, and for the US Russia is half as much, about a thousand rubles. Very few pay in excess of this, and the closer the person approached the "limit", the less chance of pulling extra money from it. So veterans, in fact, are the most unattractive audience from the point of view of monetization. They already pumped everything, everyone saw.
Of course, the developers are interested in holding the players, but only until some point: according to statistics from the Kongregate portal mentioned above, users who visited the game more than 50 times give 3,000% more profits than the incident dozens of times, although the number of the latter can be the number of the latter up to 98% of the total number of players.
But there is also the upper bar. The player himself can assume that he has just ceased to be a noob, the whole game is still ahead for him, and the developers believe that he has long to rest. This is where mutual misunderstanding and resentment begins. A person paid money, wants to play further, but they cease to properly stimulate it, as they consider it a spent material.
Therefore, in the “pipes” mode, developers simply stop setting themselves the task of keeping players in the long run. Instead, they lure his attention, draw out the maximum of money, and then dump them overboard. The audience of fans does not have time to get together, stagnate and “be thrown away” with a negative, she simply does not have enough critical mass. A stream of fresh players from the “pipe” accelerates the stagnant waters of the “sump”, washing off the dissatisfied with the sewer.
[[Bullet]] They say that manufacturers of free MMO use casinos and drug trafficking methods. Who would argue! That's just these methods use everything from managers in the supermarket to your parents and spouses. Psychological tricks and manipulations have long become part of human relations.
Reset overboard is carried out by different methods. For example, by regulation of the game economy: from a certain point, veterans are arranged for strength testing, forcing them to invest more and more money for a comfortable game, not giving anything special in return.
A game operating in the "pipes" mode is not always easy to recognize. These can be clinical cases, one-day projects that come out, harvest, close, and then appear again, but under a different name-as happened with the Planet War browser strategy, now known as Light of Nova.
It can also be the most popular session MMOs with a multimillion-dollar audience that avoid any cardinal changes, and top content is added exclusively for a checkmark, or do not make it at all.
They do this not from evil, but strictly according to the calculation. Changing the game is too expensive and risky, so you should do it as little as possible. While the stream of players is sufficient, you can nourish it with small updates. But when interest begins to fall, you will need all their strength to attract beginners and return veterans, then there will be high -level content, the fulfillment of the wishes of the players, and a bunch of shares with a freebie, and the human attitude, and in general everything that the soul wants. Or maybe it won't, because it is sometimes easier to release a sequel.
Despite all the tricks and tricks, only a few decide to part with money – the numbers depend on a specific game, but in the middle developers they manage to launch a hand in their pockets less than 10% of the players. Search for new ways to attract the remaining 90% and is the main task today. And success in this direction already has. Traditional offline games collect most of the sales in the first months, but who said that a free game cannot be sold? And they sell, and even as they only call it differently: “early access”, “pass to a closed beta test”. Want to play first – fork out. Yes, and “starting sets” with discounts go well, but they sometimes stand very seriously, 50-100 bucks, or even more. A little more-and the revolutionary idea will be born only after payment, leaving all freebies overboard. Although, it seems, somewhere we have already met such a scheme ..
Deceive me
Tricks and tricks are, of course, very interesting, but what about the fraud of numbers, mukhodniy and non -accidental accidents? After all, many players sacredly believe that the developers do not disdain to go down to direct deception of users, the benefit is impossible to check it.
Common sense suggests that this is nothing more than a misconception – people like to invent all sorts of “conspiracy theories”, what can you do here. The creators of successful games value their reputation, so why risk it? Nevertheless, it is worth recalling a well -known saying: “If you are a paranoid, this does not mean that you are not following you”.
We will talk about one case that happened in 2011 in South Korea. MMO lovers know that lotteries are held in many games: we buy some chest and hope that something valuable will fall out of it. Everything happens in the game, so such actions do not fall under the law on gambling and developers do not need to acquire an appropriate license. But the game currency costs real money and the amounts through these “fake” lotteries are scrolled by such that the real ones would envy.
One fine day, the Game Rating Board government rating agency decided to put things in order and demanded that the developers reveal all the formulas by which there is a calculation of the chances and determination of the winners in order to figure out whether it is possible to bring the gaming lotteries “under the article”. And what would you think? The entire Korean game industry, figuratively speaking, sent her favorite state with its requests to hell.
Even the largest publishers, such as NCSOFT , NHN And Mgame , refused to reveal the secrets of game mechanics. This does not mean that the developers are flying with chances, but if the companies even go to the conflict with the government to keep mystery, then they have something to hide at least.